Mind Blowing

Understanding the Structures using X-ray crystallography

This post is based on an interesting post on CosmOnline web page which in very simple language explains the methods of understanding the structure of any molecule at atomic level. Thanks to British physicist,William Henry Bragg, and his son, William Lawrence Bragg who contributed to the life science researcher by easing us in understanding how the macromolecules function by giving the method to compute its atomic structure. The technique uses X-ray and is equally useful in studying the inorganic molecules.

This, X-ray Crystallography, technique in biological science requires crystals (bottle neck of the entire process) where the molecules are arranged in a special fashion within the unit cell. Such crystals with uniform arrangement of molecules are then bombarded with X-ray. The post in the following link explains in a simple language how the technique works.

Conquering the realm invisible

Work taken from Ben Gilliland blog

By bioinformaticschap

MDP in Bioinformatics, University of Turku.
Working at Department of Crystallography, BTK Turku Finland with keen interest towards Structural biology and functional genomics.

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